Part 3 – 1 Timothy & 1 Corinthians

In this segment, Rev. Kader looks at the problem of translating obscure Greek words, with modern versions of the Bible coming up with very different translations. Many versions even translate the same word differently in the two different passages. Not a sound footing for a condemnation of a group of people.

Some of the highlights…

  • Are they homosexuals, perverts, sexual perverts, sodomites (which can be male and/or female), or sexually uncontrolled? Each covers a widely different group of people.
  • Is the problem male prostitutes, effeminates, abusers, sensualists, or homosexual perversion?
  • What is “the Kingdom of God”? It’s not heaven, according to the Bible.
  • “Salvation comes from God’s gift, not our righteousness.”

FYI: The last part of this video tape was in really bad shape. Lots of video dropouts and noise that we have repaired as best we can. Audio was OK.

Segment details…

  • Length: 74 minutes
  • Talks explicitly about adult topics
  • MP3 Podcast: download (right click and save) or listen here