Part 9 – The Traditions of Men

In this final segment, Rev. Samuel Kader looks at what the Lord is saying to the LGBTQ community and the church, and how we can achieve that unity in Christ.

Some of the takeaways…

  • Controversy is nothing new to Christianity. The issue of circumcision raged for years and years in the early church.
  • Salvation is not by works. It is God who chooses and cleanses us. It’s not by our works, but God’s grace.
  • God has a special place for outsiders.
  • We are each held accountable to love.
  • Thru praise and worship – the Tabernacle of David – the unity of the church will be restored.
  • The LGBTQ community will be a part of that restoration.

Segment details…

  • Length: 62 minutes
  • MP3 Podcast: download (right click and save) or listen here